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“House Witness” book 📖
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“House Witness” book book

Used condition - no issues - “House Witness” paperback book by Mike Lawson. Description from online:

“John Mahoney, Minority Leader of the House and Joe DeMarco’s longtime employer, has kept more than one secret from his wife over the years, but none so explosive as this: He has a son, and that son has just been shot dead in a bar in Manhattan. Mahoney immediately dispatches DeMarco to New York to assist prosecutor Justine Porter, but with five bystanders willing to testify against the rich-kid killer, the case seems like a slam-dunk. That is, until Porter begins to suspect that someone is interfering with those witnesses, and that this may be connected to a pattern of cases across the country. Is someone getting witnesses out of the way when the fate of a wealthy defendant is on the line?””

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Girlfriends' Trading Post - Sumner Co, TN

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