Created by a mom and thriving all over North America and around the world, VarageSale helps families find incredible local deals and earn extra spending money selling their stuff. Each community is managed by a team of admins who are devoted to fostering a friendly and welcoming environment. Code of Conduct
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Nifty Thrifters code of conduct:
Respect & be kind to one another.....
Please make sure your location is correct. Remember, we are a Robertson County site. Be prepared to meet locally within ROBERTSON County! If you are not within reason of Robertson County, you will be denied. If you are posting items on Robertson County Nifty Thrifters this means you must meet within the limits of Robertson County, you can and will be removed for this without notice. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Post item ONCE in only ONE category. If you have more than one pic of the same item, post the extra pics in the comments. Multiple pics will be removed. Also, please do not use collage pics of multiple items unless they are to be sold as a lot. Post each item separately. No Stock Photos of the items you are selling are allowed. You MUST post a photo of the ACTUAL ITEM.
DO NOT DELETE items once sold. Just mark sold & they will disappear in 7 days.
**Yard Sales MUST include dates. If no date is included, they will be removed! You must also post these in the Garage/Yardsale category ONLY! Any multiples will be removed and your account noted. Please remove them once the event is over.
Please note the item as CROSS-POSTED, if you have it listed elsewhere. Please go in order of timestamps if multiple comments are made from different sites. Please do not list items if you do not have them in possession (consignment) If you do not have your item listed as crossposted and you sell out from under someone within the community, you will automatically be removed from this community. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Sellers, make sure to reply to all comments WITHOUT skipping others, Nifty Thrifters is all about fairness and respect.
Note: ANY comment shows interest (except tagging). Please say interested in the comments before you message the seller to hold your place in line (A seller does not have to honor your PM without a comment first) *Even if a person just asks a question about the item, it still shows interest. Please make sure they do not want the item before moving on to the next person in line. SKIPPING will get you removed immediately. NO EXCEPTIONS!
You need to allow someone 24 hours to reply in the comments before moving to the next person in line. This gives everyone involved time, in case of work schedules, sickness, etc. It's a good idea to exchange cell phone numbers right away!. The same rule applies to Private Messages.
However, the 3-Day Rule has been put into effect. 3 DAYS! If you DO NOT respond within 3 days, YOU WILL BE REMOVED! If you have an emergency, simply put your settings on vacation mode. Thank you
You can bump your items by clicking on the "bump" icon to the right of your pic. It will appear periodically. Using the word "bump" in your comments does not work as it does on Facebook.
Standing someone up will not be tolerated. Repeat offenders will be removed without notice. Please report this to me ASAP if it happens to you. Exchange phone numbers right away!!! This may help in this situation. Once you have 3 "no show" strikes, you will be removed from the site. It only takes a quick text or a call to let someone know you cannot show! If someone pre-pays for a custom order item and they do not receive their item, you will be removed immediately from this Community. (this is stealing and will not be tolerated) ALWAYS BRING CORRECT CHANGE TO A MEET. Otherwise, be prepared to miss out on that item, as the seller has a right to refuse and not set up a second meet. If you want to purchase items from members, do not count on other meets to pay for your items. If you do not have enough money to purchase, don't waste everyone's time. This will get you removed from the Community.
Any Drama will get you removed from the site ASAP. No excuses! This includes, but is not limited to, ANY vulgar language, act, pictures, drama, or negative remarks regarding the site or the Admin or Moderator. Commenting on someone's post with issues causing drama will not be tolerated. YOU will be DELETED from the site immediately.
DO NOT sell things like FREE samples. i.e, formula samples, etc. OR ANY items that you have received for FREE like formula through WIC, or medical supplies from INSURANCE (TNCare, etc)...Just give them away!!! It is illegal to sell those items.
If you are posting an item that you are "looking for", please use a generic pic of the item OR use the ISO graphic (pinned in the admin tips category). The discussion board is more for questions and announcements.
DO NOT HIJACK SOMEONE ELSE'S POST: YOU ALSO HAVE A SIMILAR ITEM FOR SALE......MAKE YOUR OWN POST. IT'S RUDE AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Also, If you see a "Looking for" post, do NOT comment that you are also looking for a similar item or that you are interested in the item. Make your own "Looking for" post please
This does include all that fall under the Vapes, both nicotine and non-nicotine. (e-vapes, e-cigarettes, hookah pens, e-hookahs, vape pipes, mods, e-cigs, e-juice, e-liquid, juice, smoke juice, PV/personal vapor, Juul, ego). NO EXCEPTIONS!
Check the link below for prohibited items:
NO PETS FOR SALE ALLOWED. You may post pets "FREE to good home". You may also post pets lost/found. Pets are not to be sold on Robertson County Nifty Thrifters for consumption. This site is to be used for the sole purpose of rehoming furbabies. You will also can and will be removed for this! NO EXCEPTIONS!
BUYER BEWARE: ALWAYS inspect the item you are buying before placing cash in hand. Once it is paid for, it is yours. Admins will not be held responsible for getting you a refund. You need to work that out privately between the buyer and the seller.
Small Business Directory is for anyone selling items such as Avon, Scentsy, etc. You may post only ONE ad at a time.
(per business) Thank you!
All items MUST have an asking price. If you want to see if the seller will take less of a priced item, PM them. Do not comment on it. DO NOT LOWBALL PEOPLE! This is NOT a bidding war site! DO NOT post YOUR items as the highest bidder gets the prize. These items will be removed and your account will be noted. 3 notes are automatic removal from the Community indefinitely.
YOU CANNOT SELL KNOCK-OFFS....this applies but is not limited to purses, wallets, watches, and other items. These items will be removed from the site. Varagesale prohibits the sale of such items. It is also illegal and you can and will be removed for this.
DO NOT resell items for a higher asking price! If you purchase an item from this site and find yourself needing to resell it, price it according to what you paid. It's unfair to try to make a profit off of something you bought here! There is also no price gouging allowed! (This does include items purchased from the Dollar Tree) You also can not sell items that you received for free. You can and will be removed for this immediately!
All profiles MUST be UP TO DATE. A REAL profile picture is required on this site. NO animals, scenery, pets, logos, memes, filters, Children, favorite teams, or cartoon characters are allowed. (if the picture doesn't have YOU in it, it isn't allowed, please fix this.) You MUST show YOUR face! Please don't try to cover these up. Your face MUST be clear, visible, and recognizable. This is for the protection of the Members of our Community. All profiles MUST also use REAL NAMES and LOCATIONS. No nicknames, middle names, pet names, company names, or logos are to be used. You will automatically be removed from the Community until you fix this. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Please note: You also CAN NOT share accounts with anyone! The person whose name is on the account must be the ONLY user of the account. 1 person. 1 account. PERIOD!
FCFS (First Come First Serve or FCFS) This isn't allowed on this site.
If you need to post this way, please find another place to post your items. All items posted with FCFS will be deleted, repeat offenders will be removed. Thank you.
PPU (porch pick up) isn't allowed UNLESS it's being done within ROBERTSON COUNTY. All PPU outside of the County will be removed!
NO EXCEPTIONS! You can and will be removed for this. If you need to post this way, please find another platform to sell your items on.
You MUST also keep ALL items UP to DATE! If you sell an item or no longer have it, then this item needs to be removed from the site. (This also falls under Rule #6) You MUST stay active on The Robertson County Nifty Thrifters Site. If for some reason you can't, please simply put your items on Vacation Mode or contact a member of the Admin Team.
You CAN NOT resell a CAR SEAT without posting an expiration date with the picture. If it has been in a WRECK, EXPIRED, or RECALLED, it is NOT ALLOWED ON SITE! This is Illegal.
Check out the link below for more information:
Above all, Have fun! This is a local community for you to enjoy!
*We reserve the right, without notice, to delete you and your posts if you are not following any of these RULES, so please make yourself acquainted with them :)
*If a member is reported to me 3 times for breaking a rule, they will be revoked for 2 weeks pending review and allowed back in at the Admins discretion.
Any questions? Please ask. Thank you all...
ADMIN - Crystal Baldwin
Transactions are between the buyer and seller.
Here is the list of VarageSale's prohibited items:
Be kind to one another and enjoy!