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Eternity tattoo studio
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Eternity tattoo studio

34 Sherwood street
Sutton in Ashfield
NG17 2LX
Phone 07970 172874

We specialise in custom body art delivered in a clean, safe environment. The tattooing personalised service starts with you booking a consultation with our friendly staff , after which , when you are happy with your unique custom design a small deposit is required to book a tattoo appointment. However the general public is welcome to come view our artwork and speak to a member of our staff personally about any needs during our opening hours Monday-Saturday 9:30am-7pm The tattoo studio also offers other services in the shape of savings club, gift vouchers, which can be redeemed against any service, We also pride ourselves on maintaining the highest levels of hygiene possible, using all new equipment with each customer and keeping the studio clinically clean at all times.
So, if you’re looking for a professional quality and experienced, friendly staff, pop in and see us...

Available in the following communities
Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Sales (UK)

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