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Closing the Doors

I have embarked on a new and exciting adventure and so it is time to move on!

The past 6 years have been a blast! I have learned so much about antiques, come across some pretty interesting items and have met some really, really interesting and eclectic people. The business brought me and my younger brother Scott closer together, and we shared a lot of laughs! After leaving some auctions, our trucks looked like the Beverley Hillbilly’s Clampetts! Loaded to the tilts! I’m surprised we were never stopped or ever received any tickets!laughing

This summer, Cindy’s Fabulous Finds will be holding its last year of garage sales and closing it’s doors! I will begin posting items for sale in the various Buy and Sell groups and on Varage Sale, so keep your eyes peeled for some great bargains! If you are looking for anything in particular, message me to see if I have one of it’s kind! And if you want to come out and pick through the mass of items I have, reach out to me and we’ll set up a time to meet out at the farm.

I thank each and every one of my customers for your business over the years and wish you all the best of luck in finding those unique and treasured items!

This is not good-bye from me. This is a “hello” to opening the door to a bigger and better opportunity! Keep on watchin’! I’m loving my new life!hearts

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64 Items | 19Praises
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