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Diet, Nutrition and Accountability Coach

It’s the new year and you quickly realize Summer is on the horizon. You’ve binged on chocolate and candy and all the treats over the holidays and are feeling lethargic and frustrated with yourself. Maybe your desperate to stop the cycle of overeating and dieting. You want to start making the right food choices and lose the weight but you’ve tried too many times. Or maybe you feel like it’s now too close to Spring/Summer and why bother even trying to lose weight now. Or maybe you just can’t lose weight no matter what you try and you just about ready to throw in the towel. Does this sound familiar? Do you see yourself in any of these scenarios? I know I’ve been there. It’s frustrating. It’s painful. It’s a damaging cycle to your psyche. It doesn’t have to be like this. Over 2 years ago I made the choice to stop the cycle. I got fed up with it all and decided to give it one more shot. I didn’t do fad diets. I didn’t buy bogus weight loss products. I didn’t spend endless hours in the gym. I got myself a coach. A coach that kept me accountable to eating. A coach that checked in with me daily and kept me honest about what I was eating and called me out on my bad habits. A coach that showed me ways to eat that helped me to lose 100+ pounds at a moderate and safe pace that I’ve now kept off for over 2 years.

I know this cycle all too well and I want to help. My name is Brett and can tell you that I tried EVERYTHING. I spent way too much money and tried way too many fads that got me nowhere. If I can finally lose 100+ pounds and keep it off, you can as well. Are you ready to stop this shame spiral and begin the process of losing weight for good? Are you done making excuses that you just can’t lose weight? If so, I’d love the opportunity to work with you. I won’t promise you to lose 20 pounds lost by Summer. I won’t promise you any success, actually. What I can promise you is that if you remain accountable to a coach like myself, put in the work and are willing to be honest and endure some highs and lows, you can and will do this.

Coaching can take on many different forms and generally is done via email and/or facetime/skype or virtually any social media platform. We can customize something where we correspond daily, weekly or even monthly, however I do not recommend something that infrequent. I’m here to keep you accountable to your food choices and can help you customize an eating plan that encompasses a ketogenic and/or low carb diet. While I specialize in that type of diet, we don’t necessarily have to follow this method. That’s the beauty of an accountability coach. I’m here to keep you on track.

Send me an email today at and I’d love to see if working together with you would be a great fit. I love seeing people win. You CAN do this! My services are not expensive, I will work with any financial constraints you may have and I want to say once again, you CAN and WILL do this.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and helping you reach your goal!

Be Well and Speak Soon!

Brett R. (that’s koaching with a “k”)

diet, keto, low carb, coaching, coach

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