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Free painting quotes.

Pricing depends on what's needed. If any oil, silicone, or water stains it needs to be primed accordingly.

Not including moving furniture generally per 10 x 10 room.

Walls sanded, patched, and 2 coated in finish wall paint.

Baseboard. Door. The door frame and window frames sanded and painted 2 coats in semi-gloss trim paint.

This includes an empty closet as well

This package type would be $250

If you do what the above paragraph states and include in the 10 x 10 room: ceilings or an accent wall x 2 coats.

This would be $350 per 10 x 10 room.

Stairways start at $400 for walls only.

In a bigger idea of quoting a home I first note all baseboards. Doors. Door frames. Window frames. Columns and the sides of the stairs are called stringers. Then look at each selection for walls and ceilings.

Ceilings- if I have to use oil to seal stucco or popcorn is another term that is extra.

Note if I use oil throughout a home no animals or children are allowed in the house due to chemicals that can cause serious issues.

Also, I do not include any paint. As I do not jack up the pricing per 1 gallon of paint. But I do offer my sherwin williams discount. I also recommend behr wall paint from home depot.

If you are going from a dark color to a light color this will involve color-blocking primer. Behr paint and primer is good for wall color only and it is thick paint which makes it cover better. But paint and primer are like shampoo and conditioner. They are meant to be used separately.

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