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Avon Skin So soft original Bath oil

Skin So Soft Original Bath Oil

Limited Edition Design!

The jojoba-infused luxury bath oil has an uplifting botanical and herbal scent. Locks in moisture during a bath or shower and leaves skin feeling soft and smooth.

Jumbo size! - 739 ml


My name is Victoria and I have a passion helping people. With the overwhelming issues in this world, from family, money, marriage, education, relationships, self image and so much more! We are no doubt we are battling stress, depression and struggling to get by each and every day. Help me open the doors to individuals who are battling depression, stressful days and many other mental conditions. A safe and positive place for adults of different walks of life to come to, unwind and relax, meditate, get inspired and be a step closer to the SUNSHINE days. This is a non-profit organization in York Region to help us fulfill the full potential of each and every person.

With every Avon Sunshine order you are contributing towards funding of the York Region Mental Health Center.


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