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HANDMADE Wire Weave Genuine Blue Goldstone Statement Pendant

Picture this pendant as a tiny universe captured within a delicate web of gold-tone wire, each twist and turn meticulously crafted by hand. The base wires dance and weave around each other, creating a mesmerizing frame that seems to pulsate with energy.

At the heart of this cosmic creation sits a genuine 8mm blue goldstone bead, its deep blue hues speckled with shimmering flecks reminiscent of a starry night sky. As you hold it up to the light, it seems to come alive, casting a celestial glow that captivates the eye.

But the magic doesn't stop there. Tiny glass beads, like twinkling stars, adorn the top and bottom of the pendant, adding an extra touch of sparkle and charm. Each bead is carefully chosen to complement the rich tones of the blue goldstone, creating a harmonious balance of colors and textures.

And let's not forget about the power of the blue goldstone itself. Known as a stone of protection, confidence, and ambition, it infuses the wearer with a sense of purpose and determination. Its positive energy uplifts the spirit, filling you with vitality and drive as you go about your day.

So wear this pendant proudly, knowing that you carry a piece of the cosmos with you wherever you go. Let its beauty inspire you, its energy empower you, and its magic fill your life with wonder and joy.

This celestial beauty measures 2 5/8” tall x 13/16” wide featuring a 8mm genuine blue goldstone bead.

Clean only with a soft damp cloth.

Lou Hobson Art
Dreamin’ Big Designs

$44 PU Dollar General on Hwy 57 at Holiday Hills in Counce or shipping can be arranged with payment made through Venmo, Zelle or PayPal. CP

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