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50's "Blonde" dining room set LANE

There are 9 items in this dining room set. It iis oak furniture with the "Blonde" finish. there is a table that is 54 inches long. It has a leaf that adds and extra 12 inches to the table length. There is a Side board with a top drawer. part of the drawer has dividers for flatware. there are 3 sections with doors on the cabinet. The cabinet has square metal knobs. There are 6 chairs, one is a captains chair with arms. All six have a yellow flowered cloth on the seats that is in good condition but is dated. Lastly there is a square cabinet that has a drawer on the bottom and a cabinet door. the inside of the cabinet doesn't have a shelf it is just a empty space inside. I have no idea what this cabinet was used for except to store dining items. the set is in very nice condition. There are some scratches on the top of the side board and on the table.

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