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moneybagSAVE $60moneybagSony tm Shooting grip w/Wireless Remote Commander (GP-VPT2BT)White Lotus

Was bought for a job that fell through, priced to sell. Unopened. Rarer white colour, retails over $180!

With a compatible camera attached, remote controls for still and movie shooting can be operated while holding the grip normally, without having to touch the camera. Any function assigned to the camera’s C1 button can also be recalled via the remote grip C1 button.
Bluetooth® wireless communication means that no connecting cables are required to transmit control signals from the grip to the camera. Simply aim and shoot!
A quick tilt function makes it easy to set the ideal camera angle for a wide range of subjects and viewpoints. Whether shooting selfies or a subject, the tilt function lets you get the shot without having to assume uncomfortable postures.
The grip has been carefully designed to provide optimum stability and comfort, whether attached to a compact or mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. Remote control buttons are easily accessible while holding the grip, for smooth, intuitive operation. Spread the grip’s cleverly integrated legs and it becomes a handy, stable tripod.

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