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Hemp & Shea Infusion (exfoliant)
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Fayetteville, AR

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Hemp & Shea Infusion (exfoliant)


This is Peace, Love & Suds’ staple bar but with heavy exfoliant added. It is made with large amounts of organic and unrefined hemp seed oil and shea butter, two of the most powerfully healing oils available. This unscented bar will leave you feeling amazingly clean and conditioned.  If you are not satisfied with this product after 30 days of use I will either replace it with something else or give you a 100% refund!

* Exfoliant is heavy and will help to remove dead skin from body.
* designed to eliminate acne, help to treat, cure and relieve itchy red skin caused by eczema, rosacea and dry skin
* deeply penetrates to clean the skin and pores without drying you out
* helps to heal cuts faster and reduce scaring
* helps to tighten skin to help prevent and even reverse wrinkles
* adds a layer of protective oil without an oily feeling that will keep your skin healthy
* the use of essential oils (in some bars) add extra healing properties while giving it a wonderful scent.
* the vast majority of handcrafted soaps are made from refined, bleached and deodorized ingredients.  All soaps by Peace, Love & Suds are always unrefined and always organic. This is the reason the soaps appear yellow/orange (the use of unrefined palm oil)
most ingredients come from fair trade sources that support small sustainable community farms in poor rural areas
* $6.95 per bar
* Order from
* If you’re on a cell phone and do not have a desktop try our Etsy link:
* Commercial soaps are dangerous to use, especially for children! Please read:

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YSJ Northwest Arkansas

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